Hatchin travels to the town of Perna, but she is currently low on money. She quickly befriends a young girl named Rita Donizetti, a traveling circus performer. After passing by a restaurant, Rita takes Hatchin to an observation deck and explains that the Maria Statue is a weeping statue that sheds tears of blood, which possibly can grant wishes. At night, Rita talks about her circus partner Gino Costa, who she has strong feelings for. The following day, a boy named Maçã informs Hatchin that Gino is dating a waitress named Natália, much to Hatchin's annoyance. Hatchin runs off to the circus and notifies Rita of this, but Rita is maddened by this and tells Hatchin to leave. Hatchin later learns from Gino that he plans to stay in town after performing with Rita in the upcoming circus show. As Hatchin and Rita visit the site of the Maria Statue, Rita is upset to know that the statue has been replaced after the old one was destroyed. After the circus show turns out to be a success, Hatchin decides to join with Rita instead of going their separate ways.